Welcome to Kelly Martin's Blog! Here I share my stories from my blessed life as a wife to a super-talented man, Jason, mom to my precious kids, Lucy, Jack, and Connor, and friend to my amazing girlfriends who inspire me every day!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Kids Say the Funniest Things!

This one's a goodie!

Recently, I took a hiatus from tutoring - from January through May - so I could better handle Connor's difficult pregnancy and take a breather during the transition of going from two to three kids (which in my humble opinion, was WAY easier than going from one to two kids...but I digress). I really missed my students, so I've been very excited to resume tutoring this week.

Several of the kids I worked with before are returning, but I have a new student - a sibling of a kid who I already work with. He is going to start kindergarten this Fall, and today was our first session.

Not knowing much about this little guy, I started out with a very informal interview, so I could get an idea about his likes and dislikes, what he likes to read, etc. His answers are absolutely precious, hilarious, unexpected, and wholly entertaining! And I quote:

Me: So, W. what do you like to do?

W: play with nerf guns and color

yep, typical boy :)

Me: Tell me what you are good at.

W: Pickin' up stuff, putting stickers away, and pickin' up glass.

Glass? wonder what the story is behind that :)

Me: In school, what are you really good at?

W: sharing, picking up

humm...he sure likes to pick up a lot...maybe I should invite him over for playdates with Lucy :)

Me: What's hard for you?

W: Going to middle school when I'm five and I don't know what to do...
(a flash of fear spread across his face...)

aw, poor dear...I let him know he has a while before he has to worry about locker codes, crowded lunchrooms, and choosing electives and after-school clubs.

Me: What do you like to read about?

W: bats, snakes, spiders, cows, horses, and God.

awwww, sweet kid

Me: We're going to spend some time together this summer reading and learning. What do you want to happen during our time together?

W: I hope your little tiny baby grows.

Love the honesty! It's not me he's going to be looking forward to seeing, but little Connor. I think we'll make a science experiment and measure Connor each week and chart the growth :-)

I love kids, love 'em, love 'em!

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