Welcome to Kelly Martin's Blog! Here I share my stories from my blessed life as a wife to a super-talented man, Jason, mom to my precious kids, Lucy, Jack, and Connor, and friend to my amazing girlfriends who inspire me every day!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Trucks Show!

All my boys headed out to Sci-Quest's Truck Show last weekend.  As expected, the boys loved it.  Connor especially loved the street sweeper, and as you can see in this first picture, Jack really loved playing with the controls.  Oddly enough, they both really took a liking to the weather trucks also.  (Reminds me of the kid I babysat who used to watch the Weather Channel nonstop :)

Anyhow, back to cute - no, make that rough and masculine - truck pictures :)

Love this next one for so many reasons, but mostly because Jack is wearing his snow boots :)

Sweet story behind the ice cream...Jack got the last cone, but he asked the man if he would go get more ice cream for his little brother to have some.  And the man did.  And that reminds me of recently when we were all out to lunch, Lucy was being obnoxious jumping around while holding her ice cream.  Despite our warning, she continued to act up, and of course, ended up dropping her ice cream cone - splat! on the floor.  She burst into tears and it was Jack to the rescue; he gave her the rest of his ice cream cone.  I've said it many times before, Jack is the heart and soul of our family. 

Thanks, Jason, for taking the boys out for such a fun day!


  1. Judging from all the pics, your kids definitely had a lot of fun. Especially for Connor -- he really loves sitting on one of the street sweeper truck, like he's the boss of it. Some say that a child's future reflects on the hobbies or things they loved, so this may be what he wants to do!

    Rudy Swanson @ Haaker
