One of Jack and Lucy's current "things" is that they battle back and forth over who wins. And it's really senseless things that you can't even be a winner about; like who wins while they're eating cereal for breakfast - what's to win? or when they're swinging on the playset ;-)
Sometimes, however, they do try to win with typical things like being the first to get to the toilet to go potty or who can reach the car first.
Well, they don't know it, but Connor gets to claim that he's the winner, and here's why. Last night, he slept 6 straight hours - 10pm until 4am - at the age of five weeks. Neither Jack nor Lucy could claim this victory until they reached six weeks.
So, on behalf of Connor, I'll say a little, "Take that "too-much-toddler-love big brother" and "smothering-with-constant-kisses-never-give-me-enough-space big sister". I win!"
Go Connor! That is so great! Audrey is all about winning right now too, so funny!