During nap time yesterday, Jack fell with a mighty thud, and thus a new task was added to our "to-do" list: get Jack in his big boy bed, and NOW!
Fortunately, we were mostly prepared, although we overlooked having a full sized mattress ready to go.
Jack's bed is the white crib we used with Lucy, which converts to a full sized bed. We had already purchased the conversion kit, and Jason assembled the bed quite quickly last night.
Barbara had given Jack the most adorable "robot" bedding for his birthday, so all I had to do was wash the sheets and febreeze the comforter, and that was good to go.
We got everything assembled, only to sheepishly realize we had no mattress! Duh! ;-)
But, not to worry, for I found an awesome mattress on ever-faithful Craigslist, and we picked it up today. An unfortunate situation for the husband and wife - they're going through a divorce and clearing out the house, splitting the money from selling off everything- but so fortunate for us, because we bought their Sealy mattress, which was in pristine shape, and boxsprings for just $75!
You may have seen me driving down Governor's this afternoon with the mattresses strapped atop my minivan! LOL!
It was easy going from there, and we gave Jack a good while to play on his bed before bedtime tonight.
He was positively and visibly giddy over this new addition to his room! He LOVED it! Here are some snapshots of him enjoying his new bed:
And the most surprising thing of the night was that Jack never got out of his bed even ONCE! My sprightly little man was content to just go to bed, just like that. Amazing- we're so darn blessed to have such well-behaved kids, I tell ya!
Another cute part of the night was when Jack got uber excited when we put up his bed rail, which is adorned with a big "Elmo" and "Cookie Monster" on each side. Jack's current words of the week are: "bubble" and "elmo," and he loves saying them all the time. So, when he saw Elmo on the bed guard, he flipped!
"Elmo!" "Elmo!" "Elmo!"
And his articulation is actually quite good with this particular word, and he speaks it in a lower tone of voice; it's so precious!
Well, like my obedient child, I'm going straight to bed as well - night!
Love the pics and love his bedding! Hope he is doing well with it at nap time today too. Can't wait to hear him say "Elmo", I bet that is adorable! (already heard bubble :)