Whew, so working out at over 6,000 feet above sea level is quite different than back home on the plains of Alabama where elevation is not a factor.
I don't have my running buddy, Tiffany, with me, and I'm reluctant to run on these roads out here, which are covered in snow and ice. So, I've been using the Biggest Loser Cardio Max dvd while I'm on vacation to keep the calories burning (and so that I'm not starting over at square one when we get back home and back to running). But, I miss you Tiffany! It's much more fun to talk to you when I workout rather than just focus on how I'm ABOUT TO DIE! :-)
In addition to staying healthy, I've made a promise to myself that I won't get pregnant again until I get back to that elusive "pre-pregnancy" weight. And I can't wait to have another baby, so this should be good motivation. And hopefully, by blabbing about all this on my blog, it'll hold me more accountable - hopefully. Not that I'd ever list my weight (what woman would?!? -- well, wait, I do have a friend that scrapbooked her weight gain in her pregnancy scrapbook, that lucky Casey girl! ;-), but I can still be accountable. :-)
Now if I could just resist all those darn holiday desserts!
Have a great day!
If we both take a break while you're out there we'll be on the same page when you get back! :) Just kidding, I'm going to drag myself out for a run on Monday but I did take last week off. Good luck finding motivation out there and resisting those holiday treats!