Ahhhhhh, I can not tell you how much fun we're having here in Key West! Woke up around 7 am, as my body is accustomed to doing upon hearing little Lucy's scurries across the floor and into our room, but then realized there would be no such sounds to come!!!! Rolled over and resumed sweet dreams. Next time I woke up, the clock read 10:12. Nice! Woke up my snoring husband, we simply can't sleep the day away when there are so many important things awaiting: finding a yummy breakfast place (perhaps "lunch" place by the time we get there :-), lying by the pool, trying out some Key Lime Pie, eventually heading to our booze cruise at 4:30 -- the "Commotion on the Ocean."
And because, really, 13 hours of sleep is quite adequate!
Yes, 13 hours, but we had good reason to call it quits a bit early last night. The process in getting here was enough to cause grey hairs to prematurely sprout from our heads. Mainly, the godforsaken Atlanta traffic. We left my folks' house two and a half hours before our flight, in PLENTY of time. Well, plenty of time anywhere EXCEPT Atlanta. It was a rainy morning, and as my dad always says, "Atlanta and rain don't mix well." Well, it proved very true, for some idiot caused a wreck on the interstate, causing us to creep along at 5 mph for the majority of the trip to the airport. "Atlanta traffic, I believe, is Satan's doing upon mankind." It is truly evil!
As we reached exactly one hour before our flight was scheduled to leave, and we still had at least 15 miles to go, I burst into tears and couldn't make myself stop crying. There was one flight a day to Key West, and the next flight wasn't for two days (Key West is a new destination on Airtran's destination list, so there aren't many options available). If we didn't make it, we'd have to fly to Miami, rent a car, and drive the rest of the way. Not a horrible option, but one that would cost us our nearly full day on Thursday on vacation. And I'm a "Planner," a devout one at that, and anytime something does not go according to my plan, let alone my first trip alone with Jason, a surprise birthday trip no less, well, I just couldn't handle it. I completely fell to pieces.
But, Jason kept reassuring me that the rain would likely cause our flight to be delayed (even though the airline was still reporting it was on time for departure), so when we arrived at the airport parking lot, with a mere 29 minutes till takeoff, I started praying for God's intervention and Jason and I started RUNNING!
We ran to security checkpoint, mumbled to Jason something about perhaps begging for someone to let us cut, Jason shouted out, "Will anyone let us cut in front of them?!?" and I echoed, "It's our first trip away from our kids in over two years!!!!" Several people chuckled and let us in front.
Hauled ass to the train, and once inside, devised a plan where Jason would take both carry on bags, and I'd run free fast as I could all the way to the gate - D2- which if you're familiar with the Atlanta Airport is at the very END of the very LAST terminal. Of course.
Nearly puked from running so hard, but made it there, out of breath, sputtering out our names to the gate person. Jason soon arrived, and the lady told us with a pitying smile that we could
walk down the breezeway to the plane - we were fine. We plopped down, breathless, with 9 minutes to spare. Thank you God! It was only 9:11 am, but we both ordered rum and cokes for our beverage.
So, you can see why our morning yesterday kept us from making it any later than 9pm... ;-)
But, we're here, loving every second of it, grateful for the time away. It's so easy to get so wrapped up in being "mommy" and "daddy," forgetting you were even "Kelly and Jason" before kids even came along. It's nice to have a chance to revisit a little of that time again. And especially fun for us being here in Key West where it all started for us. Last night, we went to Mallory Square to watch the sunset, then watched the Famous
Rondini's show (He's still here performing!). Same things we did back when we were here on our college Spring Break trip.
And while we do find ourselves chatting about Lucy and Jack often, more of our conversations revolve around figuring out ways we can make this happen again! Perhaps if we name our next child after a grandparent, they'd be willing to take off work or school to watch the kids? Or what if guaranteed more regular visits? Really, name your price, we'll make it happen ;-)
My mom and dad said Jack and Lucy are doing just fine, not appearing to miss us at all. :-( I joke, but really, I'm glad they're not sad. I'm thrilled they're having such a good time with their grandparents (last night's activity was Chuck E' Cheese). At a bar last night, we chatted with a couple from Buffalo, the wife still wiping her eyes after getting off the phone with her 4 year old back home, who she said was crying inconsolably the whole conversation. She felt terrible being away, apparent by her order of diet coke, which she slowly stirred with her straw. I felt bad for her, while also feeling glad I'm not sharing her sorrow. This is a great situation for everyone involved. Jason and I are getting some much-needed relaxation, Jack and Lucy are making great memories with Papa and Lady, and Key West's economy is booming from all the tourists who came here to do exactly what we're doing.
Everyone's happy!
Well, I should close down the computer for a while...it's time to go try out a place mentioned in a magazine for the island's best key lime pie. Like I said, I have lots of important things I need to be doing.